Monday, January 3, 2011

AHOY. I blog.

Ok for real first blog post. Can I just say how excited I am about this? 
A big shout out to my girl Audge (what what) for all her amazing help. 
You're my boy blue.
So.... its totally a New Year. 
Floss more often.
BLOG. Boom!
Better Snail Mailer.
Pray in the Spirit an hour a day.
I'm equipped.
New mercies.
Who's down?
I am so completely stirred up about what the Lord is doing. 
This will be my place to write what I'm learning and share with you... or just be a safe keeper for me.
Get ready friends. 
Hold onto your seats. 


"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me."

He who calls us is FAITHFUL. 


  1. love it! i want a ton of pictures in every post! that's how you get people to read your blog...woot!

  2. yeah! you better keep up with this shiz.
